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School Gallery 2022-2023
Our photo galleries from the 2022-2023 academic year can be viewed below. Simply click on any of the galleries and a slideshow of all the photos in that gallery will appear at the top of the page.
The year saw Mrs. McManus become our new Headteacher as Miss Spence moved on after nine brilliant years at the helm. 2022/23 also had quite a Royal theme to it with the planting of a special green canopy in our garden area in March in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth II, who sadly passed away six months previously after becoming the UK's longest-reigning monarch having spent just over seventy years on the throne.
In turn, we celebrated the coronation of King Charles III with a special Royal tea party held on the Key Stage 2 playground (turning a true British stiff upper lip to the rain that day!), with our older children producing some lovely regal artwork to mark this historic occasion.
Our Key Stage 1 Nativity this year was Star Struck, as Christmas 2022 also saw the launch of our first ever Breakfast with Santa event courtesy of the hardworking elves of FOBS. Our Key Stage 2 Summer Production to end the year in flamboyant style was a phenomenal performance of The Greatest Show.
Class 5 Experience Christmas at Bosbury Holy Trinity Church