Open the Book
Thursday morning at 10:20 is always one of our favourite times of the week, when we are extremely lucky to be able to welcome Nicky and other adults from Bosbury Holy Trinity Church for a special retelling of a Bible story in the Open the Book assembly; often featuring our very own pupils as guest stars!
In our two most recent Open the Book assemblies, Nicky and the team retold the two Old Testament stories of Moses and the Burning Bush. The children were very respectful of the very young infant we had visiting us in school, as well as playing some very convincing sheep as well as the burning bush itself!
Our Fire Warden Mr. Ponter conducted his usual thorough safety checks, being satisfied that all reasonable precautions had been taken and the brave young lady from Class 5 shown below was in no real danger from the roaring inferno!
Open the Book Assemblies (The Story of Moses and the Burning Bush) - 11.10.24 and 18.10.24
Some pictures from past Open the Book assemblies at Bosbury are included below, featuring scenes from Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, The Last Supper, and God helping Moses to part the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to escape from Egypt. Don't worry, the young man from Class 5 towards the bottom of the page isn't having a snooze when he should be learning his times tables - he's playing the very convincing part of an innkeeper!
A HUGE thank you to Nicky and her team for bringing these fascinating religious stories to life for the children every week.