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Religious Education at Bosbury
Religious Education at Bosbury CE Primary School
At Bosbury Church of England Primary School, the teaching and learning of Religious Education takes into account the Christian ethos of the school. In the life of the school there is evidence of Christianity as a living faith, and a clear expression of Christian values is given. The school values every child as a part of God’s creation and ensures spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth. The school seeks to maintain a positive and healthy relationship with our local churches.
RE prepares pupils for living in a multi-faith society through learning about Christianity and other religions, it offers opportunities for reflection, and it challenges pupils to consider, analyse and evaluate issues. We aim to understand that there are differing world views which effect people's understanding of situations.
RE promotes values such as truth, justice, respect, it contributes to the Every Child Matters Outcomes, contributes to pupils Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC) development, Citizenship and PSHE education. It also promotes key skills and other opportunities.
- Mrs L Symonds (Bosbury Primary School Religious Education Lead)
The purpose of Religious Education does not include any attempt to alter a child’s beliefs. Indeed, reflecting the inclusive ethos of the school, our religious education programme is very much designed not to convert children or urge a particular religion or religious belief on pupils.
Please click on the link below to view the recently-introduced syllabus in Herefordshire which Bosbury School follows for the teaching of Religious Education.
In 2023, the school received the highest 'EXCELLENT' rating during its most recent Church of England SIAMS inspection - you can read the report by clicking on the right-hand link. We also received an 'OUTSTANDING' SIAMS inspection in 2015.
Key Religious Education Documents