Small School, Big Questions...
At Bosbury we encourage children to think about the world around them by asking questions about what they see, hear and experience. On this page you will find a range of big questions which the children have posed, as well as other questions which the children (and staff!) have had a go at attempting to answer.
Open-ended questions like those below have no right or wrong answers, but help to broaden children’s thinking processes, to develop their speech and language skills, and to build confidence in their ability to express themselves using words.
A new Big Question is posed every week in the Bosbury Telegraph!
"What does Christmas mean to you?"
... and here are LOTS more previously-asked Big Questions for you to ponder!
"Is Jesus still alive?" (The first ever Bosbury Big Question created entirely by a pupil - well done Christian!)
"Who am I?"
"Why am I here?"
"Who is more important - you or me?"
"What is more important - the Earth or the Sun?"
"Why is our world a place of wonder?"
"Is Heaven as big as the Earth?"
"Could you walk around the whole world?"
"What does God look like?"
"How would you bring peace to the world?"
"Why should we care about the environment?"
"What is heavier - light or dark?"
"How do you know for certain that you exist?"
"Would the world be a better place if we all looked the same?"
"What makes us human?"
"What makes us happy?"
"What's the most valuable thing in the world?"
"Is World Peace possible?"
"How many thoughts do you have in a day?"
"How do you learn to show respect?"
"If I'm feeling sad, what should I do?"
"Can you be good and bad?"
"Can you tell if a person is good or bad by the way they look?"
"Can doing something 'bad' ever be the right thing to do?"
"Is it ever right to lie?"
"Is it better to lie if the truth will hurt someone's feelings?"
"How do you feel if you break a rule?"
"Can kindness change the world?"
"Would you rather have a million pounds or a million laughs?"
"Is it always good to succeed?"
"Do rules bring freedom?"
"Which person are you most like?"
"Are visitors always welcome?"
"Is it better to slow down or go faster?"
"Is it possible to hold a fair race?"
"Is waiting always difficult?"
"Are you challenging yourself?"
"Why do mistakes help us to learn?"
"What is the happiest day of the week?"
"What questions would you ask if you were a rabbit? Would they be different if you were a cat?"
"Does a frog know that it's a frog?"
"What would you hear if the birds didn't sing?"
"Are there more ants in a nest than there are people in Bosbury?"
"What is more precious - water or gold?"
"Does a river always flow into the sea?"
"Why is snow white and not blue like the sky it falls from?"
"What does harvest mean to you?"
"Which colour represents you?"
"What colour are your emotions?"
"What colour is 'happy'?"
"Why do we think?"
"How many different emotions do you think you feel in a single day?"
"What is more important - Maths or English?"
"Why should we learn to read?"
"Is there any point to the number zero?"
"Where in the world do you think people are most relaxed and happy?"
"Is Rwanda (where our Tara link school is) the smallest country in Africa?"
"Does Bosbury School share more similarities or differences with our Tara link school in Rwanda?"
"Who is more powerful - the Queen or the Prime Minister?"
"Is it better to have a male or female Prime Minister?"
"What is a real Christmas card?"
"Can you ever have a truly silent night?"
"What do you want to achieve this year?"
"How could we make Bosbury School even better?"
"How can we make Bosbury School even safer?"
"Have you been happy this week? What could have made your week even better?"
"What do you hope to learn and achieve this year?"
"Do you still show the Bosbury Christian values when you are not at school?"
"What is responsibility?"
"How have you shown responsibility this week?"
"Was it responsible of Roald Dahl to write what some might say are rather revolting, cruel and sometimes scary storylines for young children?"
"How many friends do you need?"
"Are online friends really friends?"
"How do you want to be seen online?"
"Is it possible to rid the world of bullying?"
"Is everyone capable of bullying?"
"How do we show tolerance towards others at Bosbury?"
"Are you pleased with your behaviour towards others?"
"Is it always a good idea to put other people first?"
"How happy were you at school this week out of ten?"
"How has this school year been for you?"
"If you could create a new Bosbury Christian value, what would it be?"
"Peace is our school Christian value for December. How will you help bring about peace both in school and at home?"
"What do you know about the Peace Babies after the assembly?"
"Why do we celebrate Christmas?"
"In which year was Jesus born?"
"Why do we have Christmas trees?"
"Why is Christmas so important to Christians?"
"What is the TRUE meaning of Christmas?"
"Is Easter all about the eggs?"
"Should we have expectations in life?"
"Can I think myself happy or am I stuck on feeling sad?"
"What is so great about the world anyway?"
"What is love?"
"Why does love never fail?"
"How can you help someone if you are really far away from them?"
"What's the difference between grown-ups and children?"
"Are the best things in life free?"
"What is the most beautiful thing in your life?"
"Doing your best is more important than being the best. What do you think?"
"What does it mean to live in hope?"
"Is it possible to ask a wrong question?"
"When have you felt the most challenged?"
"Who do you look up to the most? What qualities do you love about that person?"
"Can one person change the world?"
"Why are the grown-ups in charge?"
"Why do we have wars?"
"Does my goldfish know who I am?"
"Why can't I tickle myself?"
"What makes me... me?"
Why is the sea salty?"
"What is trust?"
"Who do you trust?"
"Who should you trust?"
"Can you always trust yourself?"
"Can you trust information written in newspapers, magazines or the internet?"
"What are your responsibilities at home?"
"How do I teach other people to be responsible?"
"What should I do if I see someone not being responsible?"
"What is tolerance?"
"How do we show tolerance?"
"How tolerant are you?"
"What would a miracle look like if we could see it?"
"Would the world be a fairer place if we all did the same?"
"Do numbers go on forever?"
"Do animals make moral choices?"
"How many different ways were you generous today?"
"Why do some people do extraordinary things?"
"Why do birds sing?"
"How do we make ourselves feel positive?"
"Is it better to have time or money?"
"Do the benefits of using screens outweigh the negatives?"
"When do you need to use courage?"
"Do you have the courage to begin?"
"Do you have the courage to try again tomorrow if you failed today?"
"When were you last courageous?"
"Which five words best describe YOU?"
"How do rules bring freedom?"
"Why is a mustard seed so important? Why does it symbolize Bosbury School so well?"
"Why is it sometimes hard to do the right thing?"
"Is the world big or small?"
"Why do we keep asking big questions?"
"What challenges would you face if you were invisible? Would you be better or worse?"
"Is it possible to rid the world of bullying?"
"How many friends do we need?"
"Why do humans create music and art?"
"What does Epiphany mean to you?"
"What else could we do at Bosbury School in order to help look after our planet?"
"Why should we be thankful even when we might be struggling?"
"What is trust?"
"Who do you trust and who SHOULD you be able to trust?"
"Can you always trust yourself?"
"Can you trust information written in newspapers, magazines or the internet?"
"What animal are you most like?"
"Why show respect?"
"What makes some meals special?"
"Would you rather live in a world of uniformity or diversity?"
"What one thing which you need an adult's help for would you like to try and do all by yourself?"
"If you had to give everyone in your family new names, what would they be?"
"What makes you happy?"
"If you could do anything right now, what would you do?"
"What would happen if gravity acted in the opposite direction to what it does now?"
"Has technology made humans lazy and unfocused?"
"Why are some snakes so poisonous?"
"Why do humans only grow two sets of teeth?"
"Why does a rainbow have seven colours?"
"Why do humans feel different emotions?"
"Can adults bully or is it only children who bully?"
"What would you do if you thought your friend was being bullied?"
"Why do we need memories?"
"How can rules bring freedom?"
"What can you do to help others live life in all its fullness?"
"Advent is the season of HOPE. What do you hope for?"
"What is one thing that ALL people have in common?"
"In what ways do your parents show they TRUST you?"
"Is your voice always heard in family matters?"
"Are you ever in complete silence?"
"Are you ever in complete darkness?"
"Why is the weather so strange in this country?"
"What is so great about the world anyway?"
"When things go wrong, what would Jesus do?"
"How have you shown GENEROSITY this week?"
"How can we practise MINDFULNESS in the busy lives we all lead, and just stop for a moment to listen and think?"
"More talk... or more screens?"
"If you could be a sound, what would it be?"
"What does God look like?"
"What makes a family?"
"Can you trust your eyes?"
"Can kindness change the world?"
"What does it mean to be a friend?"
"What does 'Advent' mean to you?"
"How could you be a courageous advocate?"
"How could YOU bring about change for your community?"
"What could I do to help the world change for the better this week?"
"How can we help others in need when they are so far away?"
"Does God grow?"
"What does the Trinity (God) look like?"
"How have you challenged yourself this week?"
"What is the best thing or most valuable thing to you in the world?"
"Who is the most important person to you?"
"How did taking part in Sports Day make you feel?"
"How are you feeling about changing class in September or having a new teacher?"
"How can you bring about peace to your own or someone else's life?"
"What is your favourite Bosbury Christian Value and why?"
"What small action could you do this weekend to make a big difference?"
"What will King Charles III be thinking and feeling this week?"
"Can you tell if a person is good or bad by the way they look?"
"Why should we care about the environment?"
"What is the happiest day of the week for you?"
"Which colour most represents you?"
"How many thoughts do you have in a day?"
"Would you rather have a million pounds or a million laughs?"
"How many thoughts do you have in a day?"