Bosbury Primary School

Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School

Key Priorities

“The national curriculum is just one element in the education of every child. There is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the national curriculum specifications. The national curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum”. (2014 National Curriculum)

The aim for schools is to create a curriculum that both reflects and serves the needs of the children within the community in which they are geographically and culturally located. The only requirement is that this “school curriculum” should encompass the statutory requirement to teach the National Curriculum. At Bosbury this means that we follow the objectives laid out in the curriculum but use the teachers and children’s interests to create the curriculum. We aim for outcomes to be based on real life experiences. 

The curriculum is permanently evolving continually seeking to focus on the children’s interests and to keep pace with the social and educational changes.

Our Curriculum aims include:

  • ⇒ asking ‘big questions’
  • ⇒ having fun with friends and loving learning
  • ⇒ having memories that last
  • ⇒ being morally, spiritually and culturally aware
  • ⇒ teamwork
  • ⇒ persevere through challenge
  • ⇒ creativity and problem solving
  • ⇒ tolerance, global awareness and respect for others
  • ⇒ showing care and concern for both the local and global environment
  • ⇒ developing links with local communities


From these aims the school’s curriculum planning develops and creates curricular drivers that will deliver the school’s curriculum aims through the statutory content of the National Curriculum. These drivers form the basis for all medium term planning within the school. Drivers are based in real life learning, they enable teachers to be flexible, use the environment, visit locations and invite visitors in to support. They allow the school to ensure coverage and progression through the National Curriculum but also allow for the breadth of the School Curriculum.

The Bosbury Curriculum aims to enrich children’s lives and their families. It draws on the creative arts, mathematics, literary world, dance, theatre, music, language, scientists and a plethora of other inspiration using technology to support.

Throughout the week the driver is interwoven across the curriculum. In addition children are immersed in language through their Spanish and French lessons, music through their daily instrument lesson and sport delivered by high quality coaches. Children learn to keep themselves safe through our detailed and rigorous curriculum for Personal, Social and Health Education and through forest school.




In addition we have days/weeks were we drop the curriculum planned to learn about global aspects, health or art and science.

Yearly, whole school projects takes place where we invite the local community. Recently we have invited everyone in the village to a Heritage project exhibited in the church, a carnival procession, an art exhibition exhibited in the houses and buildings in Bosbury. 

We are very busy at Bosbury but ensure daily that all children practise the fundamentals of handwriting, creative writing, mathematics, reading and keeping fit and healthy by running the mile.

Please see the curriculum long term plans on the website. These plans are not fixed and are flexible dependent on teacher and child planning.




Our Most Recent Inspections

We achieved success in our most recent OFSTED Inspection (2014) when our school was given an 'Outstanding' grading.

In 2023, the school also received a SIAMS Church of England 'Excellent' rating for its Christian Distinctiveness.

