Bosbury Primary School

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Sports Award

Sport is a crucial part of Bosbury School, and so every week from the start of this school year, our brilliant Kidderminster Harriers Foundation Sports Leader Mr. Duffett will be awarding one of our special new Sports Awards to one sportsperson from each class who has demonstrated particularly impressive sporting skills, brilliant listening and behaviour and superb sportsman/sportswoman-ship during their PE lessons.

Apologies that we were unable to update the website last week with the penultimate Sports Award winners of this half term. To make up for it, here they are below along with this week's final Sports Award recipients before the half term break!

Congratulations to the delightful young man and lovely young lady from Class 1, the pair of sporty girls from Class 2 who really love their gymnastics and yoga, enthusiastic girl from Class 2, the very smiley boy and equally-as-smiley young lady from Class 3, the proud-looking young man from Class 4 whom we are so pleased to have back at Bosbury as well as the keen girl from the same class, and the final pair of athletic boys from Class 5 shown below, proudly posing with their shiny blue certificates in front of Class 4's lovely Values display and Class 3's fantastic Writing Working Wall display starring current class book Stig of the Dump, after becoming the last Bosbury School Sports Award winners before half term!

Very well done to these ten terrific young sporting superstars, who have really been impressing Mr. Duffett with their netball, Just Dance and gymnastics skills this week!

Can you also spot the rare family double between the below photos? Such an amazingly sporty brotherly duo!

Final Sports Award Winners Before Half Term! - 07.02.25 and 14.02.25


