Bosbury Primary School

Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School


What a child wears to school reflects their attitude to learning as well as the school's ethos and shared positive values. We have a very simple uniform our pupils are expected to wear.







Bosbury School Tie


White blouse/polo shirt


Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers/shorts


Navy sweatshirt (round or v necked) or cardigan


White socks/Grey tights or socks


Black shoes





Blue check dress/White shirt 


Grey skirt, trousers or shorts and white blouse/polo shirt 


White or grey socks


Black shoes 




The uniform can be bought at many different shops in order to allow parents flexibility and to try and keep the cost down. There are polo shirts, sweatshirts and a winter coat with school logos available at Clubsport which is situated in Bye Street, Ledbury
(01531 635242).





PE Kit

School uniform includes clothing required for Physical Education (PE). We have a sensitive, flexible approach to this issue. There is some evidence to suggest that participation and enjoyment of sport is enhanced when pupils feel comfortable about their PE uniform. Our PE uniform has been chosen because it is practical, comfortable and appropriate to the activity involved.

Pupils should have:

  • 1 - Navy shorts
  • 2 - White t-shirt
  • 3 - Trainers
  • 4 - PE hoody 



As pupils move into Key Stage 2, it may be necessary to also have a tracksuit and stronger outdoor type trainers suitable for football, netball and tag rugby. All clothing should be clearly labelled.

Jewellery must not be worn in school or for sporting activities. Long hair should be tied back. Judgements about hair do not discriminate against any pupil by virtue of their protected characteristics. The only items that are considered appropriate are watches and studs worn in pierced ears. The school does not approve of either jewellery or cosmetics unless for cultural reasons, and then only if approved by the Head Teacher. Please note that staff are not allowed to remove or look after jewellery for children. The safest place is at home. 


Art Clothing 

Pupils will require a plastic apron or old shirt to cover school clothes.

