School Vision
Although a small school, Bosbury has a BIG impact. Our wish that children flourish creatively, leaving the school equipped for lifelong learning with rich and happy memories. That they have the courage to challenge and ask big questions, develop compassion, have a sense of their own spirituality and strive for their best and the best for their community.
This vision is rooted in the parable of the mustard seed:
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
Matthew 13:31-32
Our caring and approachable staff help children achieve their full potential by encouraging relationships based on mutual respect and self-discipline. Christian attitudes are valued and underpin every activity.
As our most recent church inspection says:
"Relationships are excellent, with adults proving very good role models and the school community demonstrating strong teamwork and open trust and friendliness: there is plenty of fun and laughter in the school."
We aim to make sure every one of our children have:
- ⇒ Strong, happy memories
- ⇒ Enjoyment and fun
- ⇒ Strong relationships and friendships with caring and approachable staff
- ⇒ Thought provoking lessons which enable children to flourish and develop a love of learning
- ⇒ Ability to ask lots of questions and work as a team
- ⇒ Local and global community awareness
- ⇒ Self-esteem and confidence with great communication
- ⇒ Ability to be flexible, improve learning and problem solve
- ⇒ Developed a sense of faith and spirituality within a Christian context
- ⇒ Ability to be independent and know how to keep themselves safe and healthy physically and mentally
- ⇒ A wealth of cultural experience
- ⇒ Manage conflict, risk and disappointment
- ⇒ An education that recognises the uniqueness of each individual in our community
- ⇒ A broad, balanced, challenging and relevant curriculum which caters for the needs of individual children.
Christian Distinctiveness
Within our happy and secure atmosphere, children are valued for themselves and will experience a wide range of balanced learning opportunities that will help them grow into independent and caring people.
We provide an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian beliefs and practice, serving our community to the best of our ability. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promote Christian values through the experiences we offer to all our pupils.
Our strong Christian ethos is promoted and reflected in our Values Education, RE and PHSE programmes. Children enjoy 'learning about' and 'learning from' our values of the month, interactive Bible stoires and PHSE themes of the term.
Collective Worship
Collective worship that is Christian-based is central to the life of our school. A daily assembly is held either as a whole school or in Key Stages and gives us the special time in which to celebrate achievement and share good work. 'Stars of the Week' are awarded to for effort and pupils receive gold leaves to place on our golden tree. Parents are regularly invited to join us and Mandy, our local vicar, leads assembly once a week.
The impact of daily Collective Worship is immediate in terms of involvement and enjoyment at the time, but there is a longer term impact that is seen in children’s attitudes and behaviour.
Religious Education
Religious Education (RE) is taught in all classes and follows the procedures and guidelines laid down in the Herefordshire Local Authority's Agreed Syllabus. RE covers the main religions of the world including Christianity. Through Religious Education we aim to enable children to understand the nature of religion, its beliefs and practices. Children enjoy RE and speak with confidence and maturity about their faith and understanding of religious concepts.